360° Promotion Planning for KAM

360° Promotion Planning for KAM
Event Info
March 4, 2022
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET

Optimize your Promotion Management

In this webinar, the experts from 4brands Reply show how to plan promotions efficiently to achieve your sales targets. Don't just copy promotions from the past, use clear dashboards to see where sales potential can be leveraged among your customers. Approval processes and full integration into your S&O planning ensure a high delivery capability. The solution of 4brands Reply enables you to build up a consistent and uniform database and therefore creates the required base for promotion optimization.

Session Overview

Join this webinar with the 4brands Reply experts and learn how to plan promotions efficiently.

  • Experience a sales-focused, easy-to-use application for planning promotions and activities during a live demo.
  • Discover the potential for optimizing promotions with an integrated solution tailored to the Key Account Management.

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