A Modern Bank Architecture

A Modern Bank Architecture
Event Info
April 1, 2021
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM CEST

Banking industry

In the last years there were a lot of changes in Banking industry with related challenges ( new competitors, PSD2, …). How banking architecture must be modified or evolved in order to answer to new business needs and It challenges? What could be the right "architecture journey" and what is mandatory consider for the design of a new architecture? How a new IT architecture could change the way to develop applications? Based on some Italians success case we will provide an overview of some our lessons learned and some technical tips than can be useful during adoption of a new banking architecture.

Why Attend

In this webinar you will understand how banking market is changing and which are the Business and IT challenges. We will start with a quick overview about banking architecture evolution and how this has changed the applications development. We will explain you the “right” path to follow, based on our expertise ( requirements and strategy definition, architecture blueprint , implementation and optimisation). In the last part of the webinar we will share some lessons learned and some suggestions that can be useful for who is evaluating to start a banking architecture evolution project.

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