AXULUS - Solving the Challenge to Scale IIoT Solutions in Complex Environments

AXULUS - Solving the Challenge to Scale IIoT Solutions in Complex Environments
Event Info
June 30, 2020
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM CEST

Industrial IoT

Today industrial customers are challenged by the ever-increasing speed and complexity of novel technologies like Industrial IoT (IIoT). Although IIoT promises substantial value-add and nearly all industrial companies have implemented strategies and technical proof of concepts (PoCs), only 5% of these customers can scale these solutions and realize their full business potential.

The technological innovation cycle is considerably faster and easier than scaling the solution to an industrial set-up (value scaling cycle).

Industrie Reply presents a new way how customer can identify use cases and scale IIoT solutions at scale, and generate substantial value add for their business.

Webinar overview

In this Webinar you can learn how to scale value from industrial IoT and break down today’s barriers for innovating and deploying solutions in a complex industrial environment. Understand how Industrie Reply's value scaling accelerator AXULUS makes the difference for innovating, implementing and scaling solutions, giving customers the full power and value add from industrial IoT at scale:

Get aware of the barriers and the gap to scale value from Industrial IoT today.

  • Grasp the concept of a Value Scaling Accelerator and which benefits it generates.
  • See and experience the AXULUS Value Scaling Accelerator with selected examples of solution recipes in action.
  • Understand the business impact that IIoT combined with the AXULUS Value Scaling Accelerator can generate for customers and “how to start”.

Reply Webinars

Reply's Webinars series covers all industries and spans the latest innovation trends.
View all upcoming webinars