Digital Transformation: The Disaster Drama - Chapter II: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”

Digital Transformation: The Disaster Drama - Chapter II: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”
Event Info
July 20, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST

The importance of team management and its influence over attitudes and behaviours

Digital transformation is one of the key goals of present organizations. It is both an extraordinary opportunity and an existential threat, as customers and competitors move forward, and your performance doesn’t stay flat, it actually goes backwards. Unfortunately the odds of success and the benefits realized are very low (success rates less than 30% based on the latest studies).

But why do 70% of Digital Transformation projects fail? It is because most organizations when assessing maturity focus on technology, legacy systems, data science, coding, etc, neglecting soft skills which people need to work together, which results in poor quality while operating in the mess of processes and information chaos.

That is why during this webinar session Laife Reply focusses on Chapter II: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”: The importance of team management and its influence over attitudes and behaviours.

Why attend?

Join this Laife Reply Webinar and learn how to help your employees understanding what DX really is, what their role is in it and how they may contribute to its success. Understand how to build the environment of trust that will enable your employees to buy in to the concept that their daily activities feed directly to the company mission. Know how to set foundations for a culture driven by continuous improvement and how living by this vision will drastically enhance the odds of your digital transformation success.

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