eSports: a new frontier for brands to conquer

eSports: a new frontier for brands to conquer
Event Info
April 21, 2020
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM CEST


From niche microcosm to mass phenomenon: the eSports universe has been visibly expanding in recent years. We looked at the numbers associated with eSports, in Italy and around the world, why they are becoming increasingly more interesting as a communication and engagement channel for brands, together with the opportunities and strategies to be exploited.

Key topics

The subject is of interest to anyone who works in the digital experience realm, in order to understand the latest trends and the behaviour of today’s users, and even more so – given the approach of this research – for those who work in marketing and communication: from twitch channels to social media pages, from in-game sponsorships to the rise of new influencers, eSports open new scenarios in building a relationship with Millennials and with Generation Z.

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