Homeworking: Managing Today and preparing Tomorrow

Homeworking: Managing Today and preparing Tomorrow
Event Info
April 8, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST


On 13th of March, the usual workspace of hundred-thousands of employees changed. From a one, - sometimes but rarely a two, day homeworking a week, they had to face a totally unusual situation of staying at home all week while keeping the activities going on.

Fortunately, at Reply Belgium we have been working on the topic for a few months. Thanks to this material, we set up this webinar proposing tips and tricks for managers and collaborators to better pass today’s situation and listing a series of items organizations should definitely make us think about once this crisis will be over in order to turn this forced situation into opportunities to adapt efficiently to the future.


Tomorrow won't be the same. The confinement of our entire economy will leave traces. It will drive all organizations to review their position towards homeworking, yet only because a risk of resurgence of the virus.

During this webinar we shared with you a series of tools, habits and methods we believe useful for you to keep your team management alive and we will also go through the various areas we would invite you, as a company, to investigate with attention in order to leverage actual benefits from the move you already went under. Homeworking is not only a matter of providing your employees with laptops and VPN, it goes far beyond and bears strong foundations to develop digitalization and agility based on values of trust and accountability and a culture of efficiency.

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