Intelligent process automation in the digital experience sector

Intelligent process automation in the digital experience sector
Event Info
May 5, 2021
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CEST

Visions for Future Application Scenarios

What will the future of automation in the digital experience sector and for agencies look like? What are the visions for future application scenarios and which real use cases are already being implemented?  Reply experts Sarah Lewandowski, Fabian Merkel, Marek Matuszewski and Christoph Potje will explore these questions and show a real-life example of automation in the field of Digital Experience.

Why Attend?

Join this Reply webinar and learn where possible use cases for intelligent process automation in Digital Experience lie, which market opportunities arise and how you as an agency can generate a USP in this area. Because it is precisely here that the digital experience is not yet as far advanced as in finance departments, for example. The experts will show how new technologies can add value to this area, how to integrate this into a short- and long-term vision, and what you need to be ready for the future.


Sarah Lewandowski
Leadvise Reply
Marek Matuszewski
Cluster Reply
Christoph Potje
Senior Consultant
Leadvise Reply
Senior Consultant
Leadvise Reply

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