Manage CD registers electronically with eCDR-Pro - 19th May

Manage CD registers electronically with eCDR-Pro - 19th May
Event Info
May 19, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Europe/London

Webinar Overview

Join us on the 19th May to find out how Solidsoft Reply are helping NHS trusts manage their CD registers electronically with eCDR-Pro, a digital solution co-designed with NHS clinical staff for an acute setting that can either work stand-alone or can be integrated into your IT landscape.  

What you will learn  

  • How we designed eCDR-Pro  to scale up to 100s of storage cabinet locations across a Trust 

  • How we co-designed the tool with NHS staff to reduce the impact of landing a new system on an already burdened workforce. 

  • The ease of use built in that has the necessary controls needed to adhere to typical standard operating procedures and critically with a full audit of all activities performed. 

  • How the tool provides reporting of all CD locations across an entire Trust to allow CD Accountable Officers to have confidence in the robustness of their processes and provide actionable insight into incident hot-spots. 

  • Discover how eCDR-Pro reduces the overheads between hospital pharmacy and wards through pharmacy stock management control functions, location re-order medicines capabilities and can be further integrated into your ePMA system. 


Solidsoft Reply
Solidsoft Reply

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