Merchandise planning for the fashion industry within the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365

Merchandise planning for the fashion industry within the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365
Event Info
April 9, 2020
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CEST


This webinar hosted by Cluster Reply gave an overview of the Merchandise planning process in the Fashion industry and how it is enabled by the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and K3 Business Solutions. 

After having portrayed the business context, we experienced the main features of the solution that makes the planning process efficient, effective and embedded in the ERP. During this webinar attendees saw how companies can leverage this solution to define multiple and connected plans in any area of the business, to update plans automatically and manage the cooperation between users with role-based validation workflows.

Key topics

With the fashion industry becoming more and more competitive and digitalized, companies need to ensure to deliver the right product in the right quantities, at the right time and place, with the right price across brands, channels and markets. To achieve this, a structured and responsive planning process needs to be in place and becomes key to succed and drive the business. The webinar proposed a unified solution to manage merchandiseplanning for a fashion company within the ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365, providing a set of configurable and easy to use functionalities to automate, organize and control the planning operations across different business areas and users.

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