Next Level API Management: How control, secure and manage your APIs with SAP

Next Level API Management: How control, secure and manage your APIs with SAP
Event Info
May 19, 2022
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM CEST

SAP API Management delivers Value

We are all aware of the success of APIs. There is no better way to exchange data between different technologies, customers and other users. But this API-Boom comes with a price:

Control: The increasing number of APIs (internal and external) makes it more and more challenging to manage and oversee every API within your company. The lack of management options leads to increased risk for IT departments.

Security: If you need to increase the level of security of an API, it comes with increased costs and often hits the limits of the technology used. Can you control the amount of data which is allowed to go through? Can you detect fraud fast enough?

Flexibility: Is the API ready to be monetized? Are you able to put a Freemium model over it?

In this webinar, all three areas will be covered. The Syskoplan Reply experts show how SAP API Management delivers value in controlling, securing and managing one single API to an entire API landscape mostly without touching the API itself.

Session Overview

In this webinar, participants can see best practices for:

  • Managing and controlling several APIs in one place.
  • Increasing the security level of their API without touching the API.
  • Making APIs ready to be monetized.

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