«One Room to Rule Them All»: Control Room as a Service

«One Room to Rule Them All»: Control Room as a Service
Event Info
April 29, 2020
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM CEST

Big data value

In an increasingly connected world (5G technology will dramatically boost the number of sensors), people want to monitor their devices, aiming at receiving alerts and recommendations in every circumstances of their life. Data Reply knows how precious is every single fragment of data, in order to extract value from it and predict potential issues or monitor valuable KPIs. After this webinar, participants are able to harness Big Data to extract the maximum business value and understand the potential of a pre-packaged Control Room.

Webinar overview

Data Reply presented the new Data Control Room paradigm, which defines a successful design pattern for maximizing scalability of data analysis, while maintaining a centralized control system. Data Reply's prototype allows to improve reliability and deployment time, taking advantage of this infrastructure to extend analysis and models from a single machine to an entire plant, multiplying the benefits of the discovered insights.

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