Post Pandemic Response: People density reduction & permanence rules
During the webinar, Spike Reply will share a strong model to adopt in terms of organizational security and regulatory compliance.
Post Pandemic Response: People density reduction & permanence rules
Event Info
May 25, 2020
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Semi-remote security assessment
The importance of this activity depends on the fact that through the hybrid approach, we will be able to continue carrying out on-site security assessments (plants, facilities, offices), which would otherwise be interrupted by the limitation of movement and assembly, ensuring a equal service level to a traditional assessment social distancing solutions regulatory compliance support .
Post-pandemic response:
Security access to workplace.
People density reduction & permanence rules.
Travel security model redefinition.
Governance models redefinition.
Communication & awareness for employee to guarantee the business data protection during and after the pandemic emergency.
During the webinar, Reply Security specialists will share a strong model to adopt in terms of organizational security and regulatory compliance in order to guarantee the best tailored approach to offer to our clients in facing the “return to normal” process after COVID-19.
Reply Webinars
Reply's Webinars series covers all industries and spans the latest innovation trends.