Steering Clear of Cyber Threats: A Webinar on Cybersecurity for Automotive Providers

Steering Clear of Cyber Threats: A Webinar on Cybersecurity for Automotive Providers
Event Info
July 12, 2023
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM CEST

About this webinar

As the automotive industry continues to embrace the era of connectivity, the integration of technology into vehicles brings forth new opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical challenges faced by automotive providers is ensuring robust cybersecurity measures in connected vehicles.

Join us in this webinar where Spike Reply's automotive cybersecurity team will provide an overview of the relevant activities required by ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE R155, useful to support OEMs and Tiers during the whole cybersecurity life cycle.

Thanks to our consolidated experience, we will guide you to enhance your compliance strategy and ensure that they are compliant with the regulations.

Why attend

In this webinar we delve into the realm of cybersecurity for connected vehicles, focusing on the needs and concerns of automotive providers. Join us as we explore the strategies and best practices to steer clear of cyber threats and secure the future of connected vehicles.

Automotive providers will gain insight from leading experts in the field and confidence in the implementation of a reliable CSMS.

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